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1 reviews
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International and regional news from the Netherlands on your phone

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Immerse yourself in the up-to-the-minute world of news with the Nieuwsblad app, your one-stop destination for comprehensive coverage of the latest happenings. Whether it's breaking news or in-depth sports analysis, Nieuwsblad ensures that you're always in the know. Engaging stories from your locality, gripping showbiz updates, and relevant news pieces await at your fingertips, making small talk a thing of the past.

Tailor your experience by selecting the notifications that matter, allowing for a customized stream of content that matches your interests. Now, your daily commute or meal prep can turn into an opportunity to expand your horizons with a range of accessible podcasts, including "Sjotcast," "De Stemmen van Assizes," and "Het Punt van Impe."

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Stay updated 24/7 with live updates during key events, making sure you're informed of the latest developments as they unfold. Your local community news is also within reach; simply set your preferred municipality to receive targeted reports from dedicated municipal journalists.

Encounter "Billy," an innovative feature that curates lifestyle news to inspire and stir your curiosity. And for sports enthusiasts, live coverage of major sports events means you'll never miss a moment. The Smarter Living section delivers actionable advice and tips from experts to help simplify your day-to-day life.

Users gain access to exclusive contests, records, and promotions beyond just news. Subscribers can delve into the full array of N+ plus articles for enhanced insights, while a selection of N+ plus articles is available monthly even for non-subscribers.

Engagement with the platform is encouraged—feedback is valuable for shaping future improvements. If expectations are met, sharing a positive experience through a rating is greatly appreciated. As a true hub for quality news and exclusive content, the app is perfectly suited to fulfill the daily need for reliable information and entertainment.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Mediahuis.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.0 or higher required

Information about Nieuwsblad 10.4.0

Package Name com.twipemobile.nbmobile
License Free
Op. System Android
Category News/Magazines
Language English
1 more
Author Mediahuis
Downloads 19,353
Date Sep 13, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 10.3.1 Android + 7.0 Aug 5, 2024
apk 10.3.0 Android + 7.0 Jul 30, 2024
apk 10.2.1 Android + 7.0 Jun 18, 2024
apk 10.2.0 Android + 7.0 Jun 16, 2024
apk 10.1.0 Android + 7.0 May 29, 2024
apk 10.0.3 Android + 7.0 May 16, 2024

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